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Quote of the day: July 10, 2020
We show love with action–even if the action is to do nothing and give space to the other. We learn to trust when when the
Quote/thought for the day: 7/5/20
It was so good, it needed to be posted twice! So here’s something new:
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Press for The Wild Party
“Sam Zeller’s ‘ambisextrous’ Jackie is sublime…a high powered talent” — Daily Variety “Sam Zeller is debonair and stellar.” — The Hollywood Reporter
Press for Evita
“The character of Che, embodied by Sam Zeller, is the unquestioned zenith of this production. A performer of remarkable presence and talent, he has made this his show without ever stealing it. He never overpowers his fellow performers, but challenges them to reach to his level—which they almost always do.”
Press for Peter Pan
“As is often the case with the bad guy, Sam Zeller’s pompous Captain Hook virtually steals the show (which is no mean feat considering the overall high quality offered across the board). Resplendent in frilly lace, blood-red vest, and long dark curls, Zeller need only walk on stage to electrify
Press for Oklahoma and The Foreigner
“As the physically attractive but repugnant hate-mongering sheriff Owen Musser, Sam Zeller vividly portrays him with a remarkable turnabout from his romantic clean cut Curley in Oklahoma!” “The very physical, golden-haired Zeller, is cast in both shows, jumping from loud-mouthed redneck (The Foreigner), to warbling those great songs…as hero cowhand.
Press for Camelot
“It’s fun to watch Sam Zeller’s big, brawny Sir Lionel being wrapped around Guenevere’s little finger…” — Los Angeles Times “Zeller’s strong physique and voice are splendid…” — Los Angeles Times “Sam Zeller is adorable, irresistible…” — Orange County Register