This Day In History

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Quote of the day: July 10, 2020
We show love with action–even if the action is to do nothing and give space to the other. We learn to trust when when the
Quote/thought for the day: 7/5/20
It was so good, it needed to be posted twice! So here’s something new:
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Today in History: June 22
*1870 US Congress creates the Department of Justice. *1936 The Virgin Islands receive a constitution from the USA. *1969 Judy Garland dies; Stonewall riots–birth of the gay rights movement. *1972 “Man of LaMancha” opens at the Beaumont Theater and plays for 140 performances. *1976 “Godspell” opens at the Broadhurst Theater
This Day in History: June 17
1839 King of Hawaii Kamehameha III issues Edict of toleration which gives Roman Catholics freedom to worship in the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaii Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace is later established 1885 Statue of Liberty arrives in NYC aboard French ship `Isere’ 1956 Golda Meir begins her term as
This Day in History: June 16
1567 Mary, Queen of Scots is imprisoned in Lochleven Castle prison, Scotland. 1858 Abraham Lincoln says, “A house divided against itself cannot stand” accepting Illinois Republican Party’s nomination for the Senate. 1880 The Salvation Army forms in London. 1943 Actor/comedian Charlie Chaplin (54) marries actress Oona O’Neill (18) 1960
This Day in History: June 15, 2020
THIS DAY IN HISTORY. JUNE 15! 1215 — The Magna Carta is signed by King John of England, establishing the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice, and the right to a fair trial. 1996 —