June 15-21, 2020 365 Days of Kindness


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This week’s Acts of Kindness:

1) Give a homeless person some food or a bottle of water

2) Say hi to strangers throughout your day.

3) Compliment a stranger for their nice outfit,  pretty hair,  or how cool their mask is….

4)  Send a thank you letter to someone for either a gift you were given,  for the years of friendship,  or just because… lick the envelope,  put a stamp on it and mail it!

5)  Give someone a small gift of appreciation.

6)  Add coins to someone’s parking meter

7) Find out the policy of a local animal shelter,  and buy a bag of kibble,  or a couple of cans of food,  and donate it to them. Keep their address(es) handy because we’ll be visiting these shelters often…..!!!

All of these activities are to be done without any expectation.   You should feel good for doing the task– not what the receiver will give you back.  The point is,  you’ll inspire others to want to do what you’re doing, raising the awareness and joy in our community and spread the love.  We got this!  Let’s go!

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